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For More Details Contact Us!

Connectivity and comfort are key to the ideal delivery service.

Create your best delivery experience with Zengex shipping group and experience the world of possibilities in the logistics business.

Head Office (Asia)

Yan An Lu 2duan 4-14​, 

Jinzhou – Guta District

+68 13057491073

Major Branches 1 (Europe)

15 Broomfield Place

Stonton Wyville LE16 0FZ

+44 129 1667 6612

Major Branches 1 (North America)

3958 James Martin Circle,

Colombus, Ohio 43215

+1 734-720-5097

Zengex Shipping Group is committed to fast delivery services across the globe. With an emphasis on customer satisfaction and alliance to delivery laws of all partnering nations

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